Friday, 19 June 2020

Can Hypnosis Techniques Help with Anxiety?

Hypnosis puts a person into a deep relaxation. This altered state of consciousness makes the person highly suggestible to ideas in the moment, which can have a lasting positive effect. Hypnotherapy, for instance, uses hypnosis to create permanent changes in the way a person thinks or acts. This can help with a variety of health problems, including anxiety.

Changing Behaviours with Hypnotherapy
A hypnotherapy session begins by guiding you into a hypnotic trance. At all times, you’ll be completely in control. However, you’ll feel extremely calm and highly focused. Once you’re in this state, the hypnotist will begin to address the behaviour you want to change. For anxiety, this may involve invoking a sense of serenity and teaching you how to deal with feelings of stress. The hypnotic state will mean that you are more willing to embrace such changes than you would be in regular consciousness.

Controlling Anxiety Symptoms
To help you develop coping mechanisms when facing a panic attack, the hypnotherapist will draw your attention to the specific sensations you feel when you suffer from anxiety. Together, you’ll cover the physical sensations, like a racing heart, chest pain, or sweats, as well as the emotions you experience. The hypnotherapist will remind you that you’re safe and in control. The next time you start to become anxious, you’ll carry these reminders with you.
The session will conclude with the hypnotherapist guiding you out of the altered state. You will then spend a few minutes discussing how you feel.

Result of Hypnotherapy
The number of sessions necessary to overcome anxiety varies from person to person. However, after each session, you’ll notice significant changes. You’ll have improved self-awareness and will find it easier to cope with panic attacks. You may also learn some self-hypnosis techniques that you can utilize whenever you need.

If you suffer from anxiety, it’s worthwhile trying hypnotherapy. Calgary and area residents can receive treatment from Colin Christopher, one of the best known hypnotists in Alberta. Colin is a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and has supported countless people with anxiety and panic disorders, among other health issues.

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